Friday, August 30, 2013

Introduction: Me

I'm Holly, currently a sophomore in McCarthy's 7th English II class at Whitney Young Magnet High School . I have lived in Bridgeport all my life and it' s no north side neighborhood, but it's diverse and cozy. Coming from a small neighborhood school like Robert Healy, getting my first choice high school is a pretty big accomplishment if I don't say so myself.

I'm a busy body outside of school as well. During this summer I partook in Gallery 37 in graphic design. If sophomore year allows me, hopefully I could join Young Company, AAC, pastry club, mangaka club, yearbook, and many more (as long as it is not sports and/or does not require physical pain).

I'm always looking out for different opportunities and local scenes to explore. When I'm not outside or in school, I'm usually blogging on tumblr or watching The Walking Dead. Hobbies include drawing , painting, photography, indulging in TV shows, and collecting pins, zines and stickers. Music is a really big part of my life, and I like baroque pop, indie rock, math/post rock, chip tune, movie soundtracks; pretty much anything with a good melody and catchy beat. I like the colors teal/forest green, Studio Ghibli films, John Green books, gig posters, anything sweet and/or strawberry flavored.

All in all, I'd like to consider myself as life's tourist and an appreciator of the small stuffs.
Thanks for reading! (。◕‿◕。)
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